Beef Bottom Round Thin Cut Recipes

Beef bottom round steak is a versatile piece of meat indeed. It may non exist the steak of choice if y'all desire to enjoy the flavor and tenderness of a filet mignon or ribeye with fries, simply it is an excellent choice for a range of various recipes.

You can apply beefiness bottom round steak in many unlike bootleg meals. For instance, this steak goes seamlessly into stir fry dishes, noodles, goop dishes, stews, and is absolutely mouth wateringly good when served with gravy.

So, what recipes can you try out with beef lesser round steak?

If y'all want to try making something unlike with beef bottom circular steak, then give some of these recipes a go!

1. Thin Sliced Circular Steak With Sauce

If y'all want to brand a simple lesser round steak repast, then this recipe is for y'all. To brand this, information technology'southward all about the prep. Make certain that you tenderize the meat and season it well on both sides.

Cook in a skillet with lots of butter to bring out that flavour and follow the recipe to create a homemade wine sauce with minced garlic! The taste will be divine.

ii. Round Steak Beef & Gravy

Ane of our favorite classic recipes is steak and gravy. The two only pair then well together. So, how could we make a list of easy steak recipes without one served up with gravy and mashed potatoes?

For this recipe, you'll need to use a dutch oven to roast the steak on all sides to brown the steak. Then, saute some onion, h2o and beefiness base to give it that real flavor, and roast for a few hours. Serve with gravy, veggies and mashed potatoes.

iii. Chinese Round Steak

You lot can also utilise round steak in Asian recipes served with rice, you just need to piece up the beef into thin strips.

Once cutting, brown the meat and remove from the skillet, before whisking together beef consomme, soy sauce, carbohydrate, ginger, garlic salt, pepper, dark-green peppers and tomato plant soup to class your sauce.

Simmer for about 10 minutes, and stir in the beef, and simmer until done. Serve with hot white rice and enjoy!

4. Steak Fingers

Fed upwardly of eating craven fingers? Why not try steak fingers instead? All you need is vegetable oil, eggs, round steak, milk, all purpose flour and a pinch of salt and pepper.

So, tenderize your steak and cutting into strips, before combining all of the other ingredients to make your coating. Coat the steak pieces and fry in hot oil until gilt!

5. Round Steak Beefiness & Noodles

This is a hearty dish that the whole family volition savor. To make this one, brown the beef in a big dutch oven, before sauteeing some onion. Then add together in the beef base with the onions, and roast in the oven at 350 degrees for about an hour.

Then, mix together some gravy over the stove adding salt and pepper, and serve over egg noodles, finishing with sour cream and chives on top.

6. Round Steak Beefiness Stew

Y'all can't arrive incorrect with a beefiness stew recipe. This one is a real winter warmer and is packed with veggies and nutrients. Once you've cooked the beef, yous'll want to heat information technology in homemade gravy with tomatoes, parsley and bay leaves, and boil it on a medium heat.

And then, throw in some diced carrots and potatoes and simmer until tender. Y'all can add some macaroni if you prefer, and serve with some cornbread!

vii. Sesame Round Beef

Sesame seasoning and beefiness merely goes oh so well together. With strips of round steak, chopped scallions, garlic, sesame oil and some soy sauce, it's amazing what flavor you can create. Elevation the beef with sesame seeds and serve with white rice and veggies!

8. Chicken Fried Steak

To brand a chicken fried steak, yous'll need to mix together hot pepper sauce, common salt and milk in a bowl. Yous'll also need paprika, garlic pulverisation, flour, table salt and black pepper.

Then, coat the steak in your unseasoned flour, earlier dipping into the milk mixture, and then coat in the homemade seasoning. Heat in a skillet over medium high until gold dark-brown and serve however y'all like!

ix. Baked Round Steak

Barbecue sauce is 1 of our all time favorites, and then why not throw some on your beef bottom round steak? It's tangy, but mouth wateringly expert. For this recipe, you'll need to preheat the oven to 325 degrees fahrenheit, and heat oil in a large skillet.

So, brown the steak strips, before transferring to a baking dish. Mix in some garlic, ketchup, vinegar, sugar, forth with paprika, table salt, pepper, and mustard to make your ain BBQ sauce. Comprehend the dish and identify in the oven for nigh an hour, and that's it!

10. Smothered Circular Steak

Dear smothering your meat in sauce and toppings? Nosotros've got the recipe for you. Follow the instructions to brand the delicious sauce, so preheat your oven to 325 degrees fahrenheit.

Put the sauce in a Ziploc pocketbook with the meat and toss it and then that your beef is covered.

And then, utilize a dutch oven to brownish the meat, before pouring in beef goop, onion, pepper, salt, pepper and celery. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer, before placing in the oven to melt.

Once washed, remove and sprinkle some parsley over the top, and serve with either mashed potatoes or rice.

11. Round Steak Kabobs

You tin can also utilize chunked upward round steak for beef kabobs. It works exactly the same, and you'll just need to clamper upwards the meat, peppers and onions in similar sizes, and grill for about 10-xv minutes.

Yous may need to marinate the beef outset then that it is not as well dry or tough later on grilling.

12. Fiery Beef

Looking for a large hunk of meat? Aren't we all! This recipe tin help you release your inner barbaric with a huge chunk of beef that is garlicky, fiery and oh so saucy. Follow this easy recipe for the virtually flavorful steak yous've e'er had.

xiii. Asian Stir Fry Beef

As mentioned before, round steak can work well as stir fried beef, too. All yous need to practise is cut up the beef into thin slices, stir fry in a low-cal, gingery sauce with some vegetables such equally snow peas, and serve over some steamed rice, or egg noodles if you adopt.

14. Chili Cheese Round Steak

Prefer spice to gravy dishes? We've got you covered with this chili cheese round steak recipe. For this one, you'll need to combine flour, garlic powder, table salt, pepper and chili pulverization, and rub the mixture onto both sides of your steak.

Then, use a hot skillet to cook the steak in butter until browned. Add onion slices and stewed tomatoes in the juice over the meridian, before finishing with cheese, and bake in the oven for 30-45 minutes.

fifteen. Circular Steak & Mushrooms

Steak and mushrooms are another combo that we love to eat. This recipe is packed with flavor, with worcestershire sauce, beef broth, butter, onions, thyme, salt, pepper, mushrooms and a splash of olive oil.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Beefiness Bottom Round Steak?

A round steak is establish in the circular of the rear leg of a moo-cow. The circular tin be divided into cuts such equally lesser round steak and top round steak. The bottom round steak comes from the circular fundamental, where the muscles are very tough due to being worked past the cow.

However, it is really flavorful every bit it has more than marbling going through the meat. Despite being slightly firmer, it can be so tasty when marinated and cooked slowly only surely.

What Is Beef Lesser Circular Steak Used For?

Beef lesser circular can be used in a range of different bootleg dishes. It is typically the cut of pick for recipes that phone call for mesomorphic pieces of meat such as beef stroganoff, stir fry or a chunky style chili.

That being said, considering of the distinctive and intense season, a beefiness bottom circular steak also goes well with various marinades to serve with veggies, or in steak and gravy recipes.

In other cases, this cut of beefiness is often sold as steaks, roasts, for marinating, or every bit ground beef.

How Practice You Tenderize Bottom Round Steak?

If yous have a steak that feels a little tender, and then the best way to deal with this is to pound the steak.

Past pounding, yous can quickly tenderize the meat, making it much easier to cut, cook and eat. In improver, you'll want to ensure that y'all are seasoning the meat, and cooking it slowly.

Cooking some steaks such as lesser circular steak quickly, or grilling them on a loftier estrus will but go far tough and chewy. Instead, cook low and slow until cooked to your liking, and effort using a marinade overnight to requite the meat that extra juiciness and wet.

How Do You Cook Round Steak To Make It Tender?

If you lot desire the most tender round steak, then check out this recipe.

For the best results, you lot'll need to trim the steak, and cutting into 2 portions, earlier flattening it to nigh a ¼ inch thickness. Then, in a resealable bag such as a ziploc bag, mix flour and common salt, and add the steak in then that the mixture coats it.

Next, take an ovenproof skillet and brown the steaks in a little oil on both sides, before removing and placing on a plate with foil.

With the drippings, saute your veggies with tomatoes and worcestershire sauce, and then return the steaks to the pan, embrace and bake on 325 degrees for about an hr. This should brand it soft, tender and juicy.

15 Beefiness Bottom Circular Steak Recipes That Are Like shooting fish in a barrel To Make

Desire to use beefiness bottom round steak in some new recipes? Attempt out one of our 15 dissimilar recipes here, from Asian stir fry to chicken fried steak!


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Jess Smith


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